
Discover different types of animals today

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The 7 main different types of animals

1. Mammals

The official class of mammals is Mammalia. Animals that are considered mammals include warm-blooded vertebrates that have hair or fur and whose young drink milk. Unlike other types of animals such as birds and insects, all mammalian babies drink milk that comes from their mother’s body. This is one of the key ways to tell if an animal is a mammal.

2. Reptiles

Lizards, dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, and snakes all belong to that ancient and robust class of animals known as reptiles. This is a diverse group with more than 10,000 different species and a large representation in the fossil record. Once the dominant terrestrial vertebrates on the planet, reptiles still occupy nearly every ecosystem outside of the far north and south.

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3. Fish

Fish are aquatic vertebrates. They typically have gills, paired fins, a long, scale-covered body, and tend to be cold-blooded. “Fishes” is a term used to refer to lampreys, sharks, coelacanths, and ray-finned fishes, but it is not a taxonomic group, which is a clade or group containing a common ancestor and all its descendants.

4. Birds

Birds, members of the class Aves, include more than 10,400 living species. Their feathers distinguish them from all other classes of animals; no other animal on earth has them. If you see an animal with feathers, it is definitely a bird. Like mammals, birds are warm-blooded vertebrates with four-chambered hearts. However, they are more closely related to reptiles and are thought to have evolved from dinosaurs.

5. Amphibians

The official class of amphibians is Amphibia. To qualify as an amphibian, an animal must be a vertebrate, require water to survive, be cold-blooded, and spend time both on land and in water. Although other animals only live on land or in water, amphibians have the unique ability to thrive equally in both. Amphibians cover more than 6,000 different species worldwide, but around 90% of them are frogs.

6. Invertebrates

The definition of an invertebrate is any animal that does not have a backbone or backbone. The most prolific and easily recognizable members of the invertebrate family are insects. It is estimated that there may be more than 30 million individual species of invertebrates that represent between 90 and 95 per cent of all organisms on the planet.

7. Insects

All insects are part of the taxonomic phylum Arthropoda and are collectively known as arthropods. It is common to see this name misspelt as “anthropoid”, but this is not the correct term. They can be found in almost every environment on the planet and currently account for more than half of all known living organisms in the world. They have gone through many cycles of evolution depending on the resources available to them.

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